The Search Continues

Our Purpose:
This blog follows a recent phenomenon I've noticed in the Phoenix area. Tiny UFO decals have popped up all across the valley, all of unknown origin and purpose. Will their influence spread? If you see any during your day-to-day in Arizona, send in a picture to

Friday, April 8, 2011

First submissions

I received my first submissions sooner than I thought, both from the ol' maroon and gold. These places might seem familiar if you've ever called ASU home.

The statue outside the business college. I'm guessing W.P. Carey wouldn't be too happy about it.

If you've ever been to ASU's notorious "Secret Garden," this is one of the hallways leading in.

Special thanks to Michael G. for these pictures!

Alright, now that the ball's rolling, keep 'em coming!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

An improper introduction

Name: Oliver T***
Age: Bloody finally over 21
Location: Tempe, Arizona- Home to the Devil and the Sun.

Two months, fourteen days, and seven hours ago: I viewed the documentary "Exit Through the Giftshop", a Banksy Film. If you haven't watched it, it is follows the phenomenon that is Street Art. Not graffiti. Not pointless vandalism or theft. But Art, just like the kind you see in a museum, except this one's painted on the sides of corporate headquarters, city monuments, and such. Like most young, rebellious, and brilliant university students, I found inspiration in the film. But not the genius inspiration to go out and make my own art (Trust me, I'm not even good enough to make modern art). Instead, I thought I would document one of these "brilliant" individuals. Of course, this is where the trouble begins - I am but one person.

Over the last month, I've seen this particular art done in several places. Now, I've probably walked by these places millions of times but never noticed till after I'd seen the documentary. Nonetheless, I thought we could start a little following. What do you say?

Without further ado, I give you the work of Little Green Man (hopefully he didn't have a different name in mind)...

Who is this mystery artist? And could he make his UFO a bit bigger?

Well why this artist? This next...(what do they call it?...a tagging?) tagging should say why...

Love: The unidentified fucking object

Those are fine and dandy, but this next one...this is the one that made me want to start this blog...

So as you can see, these new Street Artists are fearless. (And who wouldn't be with stencils that small! Hah!)

No but seriously, if you very well fancy giving the Little Green Man (Please God, don't let him be a wee man) a shot for glory, especially in a place like Arizona that has no bloody culture of its own, tell some friends about this blog and tell them to be on the lookout for little UFO's around the town, the valley, the state, wherever he might show his unidentified little face. Take a picture and send it to me at I promise I won't reveal any full names or anything of the sort. LGM, if you're out there...somewhere in space...I come in peace. Now go out and tag some shit!